Discord Chat:

Discord Chat

Feel free to become a part of the community by sharing your work, collaborating, or just stopping by to say hi. We want this Discord chat to help fellow GameDevelopers, GameDesigners, Artists, dreamers, and any creative/business people that want to meet new people, share ideas, and even collaborate on projects as a group.



Here you will find us posting quick dev videos and posts to keep you updated on every little thing that we are creating. Please like our page if you like what we are making. It will help support us, and we will highly appreciate it.



Our twitter is currently lacking content as we we already have this blog and the facebook. We are currently experimenting with what works best for our community. So we would enjoy it if you became apart of these discussions as well. Again, please Follow our page if you like what we are making. It will help support us, and we will highly appreciate it!


Email Us!

If you have any business inquires please shoot us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank You!